Lehrstuhl für Computerphilologie und Neuere Deutsche Literaturgeschichte


The NeDiMAH Network will examine the practice of, and evidence for, advanced ICT methods in the arts and humanities across Europe, and articulate these findings in a series of outputs and publications. To accomplish this, NeDiMAH will provide a locus of networking and interdisciplinary exchange of expertise among the trans-European community of digital arts and humanities researchers, as well as those engaged with creating and curating scholarly and cultural heritage digital collections.

NeDiMAH will work closely with the EC funded DARIAH and CLARIN e-research infrastructure projects, as well as other national and international initiatives. The programme will bring together practitioners in a series of thematic Working Groups, which will examine the use of formal computationally-based methods for the capture, investigation, analysis, study, modelling, presentation, dissemination, publication and evaluation of arts and humanities materials for research. This research will contribute to the classification and expression of ICT methods used in the arts and humanities in three key outputs: a map visualising the ICT methodological commons; an enhanced ICT Methods Ontology; and a collaborative forum for the European community of practitioners active in this area. These outputs will serve to formalize and codify the expression of work in the digital arts and humanities, give greater academic credibility to this work, and enable peer-reviewed scholarship in this area.

NediMAH will maximise the value of national and international e-research infrastucture initiatives by developing a methodological layer that allows arts and humanities researchers to develop, refine and share research methods that allow them to create and make best use of digital methods and collections. Better contextualization of ICT Methods will also build human capacity, and be of particular benefit for early stage researchers.


Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl:

Fotis Jannidis