Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der deutschen Sprache und Literatur

G+Media Network meeting "Thematic focus: Level of production of educational media for/in early language and literacy education"

DFG Network “G+Media, Mediatization of Gender and Diversity in Early Language and Literacy Education” (2024-2027)

1st network meeting, thematic focus: 

Level of production of educational media for/in early language and literacy education

8-10 April 2025

Conference Venue: University of Würzburg, Zentrum für Philologie und Digitalität,
 Emil-Hilb-Weg 23, 97074 Würzburg, Germany – Room 02.002 (2nd upper floor) 


Tuesday, 8 April 2025

9:30 am Get-together

10:00 am Get to know each other – project topics on display boards

10:30 am Dietha Koster/Christine Ott:

Introduction: Network research topic examples of educational media for early language and literacy learning

12:00 am Lunch break

1:30 pm Katharina Simbeck:

How do algorithms work in educational media? On Fairness and explainability of AI in educational contexts

2:30 pm Coffee break

2:45 pm Network Guest Miriam Fahimi:

Studying (Gender) Bias and Discrimination in Algorithms: Insights, Methods, Interventions

4:00 pm Christine Ott:

Project outline: Material turn in educational media research: case-studies on EdTech for early language learning and implications for education policy


Wednesday, 9 April 2025

9:00 am Germán Canale:

Ethnographic methods of process-orientated educational media research

10:00 am Short coffee break

10:15 am Workshop on methodological collaboration

On which research methods does the network have expertise? Which research methods would we like to learn more about at subsequent network meetings? Who could present these methods in a crash course?

12 am Lunch break

1:30 pm Suha Alansari:

Gendered identity options for children (5-9 years) in relocated schools in Saudi:
tales of urbanisation and class in early TEFL-classroom

2:30 pm Abolaji Mustapha:

A multidimensional approach to intersectional gender analysis of instructional materials for early English language Learners in Nigeria

3:30 pm Coffee break

4:00 pm Dietha Koster: 

Interviews as research access to the field possibilities and challenges


Thursday, 10 April 2025

9:00 am Concretization of the collaboration

10:00 am Zoom-Network Guest Marie Rickert: 

Linguistic ethnographic explorations of educational media use in linguistically diverse contexts

11:00 am Planning of the next meeting


Organizers and Hosts: Dr. Christine Ott & Dr. Dietha Koster