Deutsch Intern
    Lehrstuhl für Computerphilologie und Neuere Deutsche Literaturgeschichte

    <philtag n="8"/>

    <philtag n="8"/>

    The Chair for Digital Humanities (Lehrstuhl für Computerphilologie und Neuere Deutsche Literaturgeschichte) will hold its 8th <philtag> on October 1 and 2.


    Universität Würzburg,
    Am Hubland, Philosophiegebäude,
    Hörsaalbau, Ü(bungsraum) 11 (ground floor).

    Please follow the signs!

    map and directions

    Information: accommodation and travel.


    Thursday, October 1

    14:00 Coffee

    15:00 Address of welcome + E. Pierazzo (King's College, London): "Digital Documentary Editions: a rational"

    15:45 M. Rehbein (Galway, Ireland): "Representation of a Living Text - the Digital Edition of a Medieval Law Book"

    16:30 Coffee

    17:00 L. Haas (Universität Würzburg): "Roman Military Diplomas. A Model Edition for Latin Epigraphical Texts, Considering Philological and Historical Aspects"

    17:45 J. Wintjes (Universität Würzburg): "Inscriptions of Aphrodisias (IAph2007) - The future of epigraphy?"

    19:30 Juliusspital

    Friday, October 2

    09:00 C. Fritze (DTA, BBAW): "The German Text Archive - insights and outlook"

    09.45 K. Price (Walt Whitman Archive): "Walt Whitman, the American Civil War, and the Trajectory of The Walt Whitman Archive"

    10:30 Coffee

    11:00 D. van Hulle (Belgien): "Digital architecture of the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project"

    11:45 F. Jannidis, G. Middell, M. Wissenbach (Faust-Projekt): "Goethe's Faust- the first steps towards the digital edition"

    12:30 Lunch at the Hubland-refectory

    14:00 J. Kepper, B. Bohl (Uni Paderborn/Detmold): "Rewriting the critical apparatus - specific issues from a musicological perspective and their consequences for future critical editions"

    14:45 Conclusion

    15:30 End
